Discovery Seminar

Note: Register On Time

If you do not complete your preference form  by July 15, you will be placed into a Discovery Seminar with an open seat.  

Every first-year student will enroll in a Discovery Seminar (DSC_OX 101) in the fall semester as the initial step in Oxford’s signature general education curriculum focused on discovery, exploration, and reflection. These 3-credit courses allow you to work closely with one another in a seminar class led by a faculty mentor who will also serve as your academic adviser for your entire time at Oxford. 

Discovery Seminars:

  • Introduce you to ways of knowing and producing knowledge within a discipline or field of study;
  • Lead you to discover how to find and use evidence to question, analyze, interpret, and create knowledge;
  • Provide a close-knit learning community (each seminar is capped at 16 students, with your instructor as your academic adviser).

Ranking your preferences, you will be registered for a Discovery Seminar before your arrival on campus. By July 15, you must complete the Discovery Seminar preference form to rank the courses that most interest you. Every effort will be made to place you in one of your top choices.

You must have a login ID to register.

Submit your discovery seminar preferences now

Current Discovery Seminars

Below are the Discovery Seminars being offered in fall 2024. Click on the title for more information about the course and a link to the biography of the faculty member teaching it.